Help needed! -

Do you know any vegetarian restaurants near you?
If the answer is yes, then please help us out!
Please fill in the details relevant to the restaurant -

1 - Location
2 - Address
3 - Business Hour
4 - Types of Dishes
5 - Price Range
6 - Contact details (e.g. facebook page, e-mails, contact numbers)
7 - Any important notice! (e.g. pay in CASH ONLY)
8 - Photos of the restaurant & the food!

Please send the details to

Thank you for making the world a better place to live in! :)

Wednesday 23 July 2014

益眾西餐廳 Aik Chong

Location: Raja Uda
Address: 6549, Jalan Raja Uda, 12300 Butterworth, Penang, Malaysia

Business Hour:
11.00am - 10.00pm
Closed on Monday


Types of dishes: Mainly Western Cuisine - Sandwiches, Burgers, Spaghetti (Individual set dishes)

Contacts -
Facebook page:
Contact number: 012-4899384/016-444 5721

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